ASTM International’s reactive and refractory metals and alloys committee (B10) has awarded its 2023 H.R. “Russ” Ogden Award to Bruce Beckwith, retired consultant for Astrocosmos Metallurgical Inc. Established by the committee in honor of its first chair, this award is given for outstanding accomplishments in the science and technology of reactive and refractory metals and alloys. An ASTM International member since 2005, Beckwith had a rich career in reactive metal fabrication through the 1980s and 1990s prior to retiring in 1998. After spending years working with such companies as Futura Metals and Pfaudler, he became co-owner of Cosmos Mineral Corp. in 1987, spending almost a decade in the position. In the late 90s, he moved into a vice presidency and then consultancy with Astrocosmos. Beckwith graduated from UCLA in 1980 with a degree in chemical engineering.